Pebble In A Pond

So, it’s finally summer break, and I made it through my first year of college! For those of you who have been to college know that it’s definitely an experience. You go from a place your comfortable with and know everyone, surrounded by friends and family, to a place unknown to you. Honestly, you’re going in blind, and freshman definitely have a learning curve

The way movies and TV shows portrayed the college experience, I thought, was an exaggeration(parties all the time, drinking, drugs), unfortunately I learned that these were accurate representations of life on campus. There were so many temptations, and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t hard to turn down a party at times; however, my faith kept me grounded, and I have my parents to thank for that.

I did a bible study the other day that brought me to the realization I haven’t given my parents enough credit for the way they’ve raised me. So, this is partially an appreciation post as well as a reflection of how I hope to raise my future children, and how I believe this is how parenting should be.

“I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gifts of God, which is in you through the laying of hands.” 2 Timothy 1:5-6

This was a verse that was shared with me through my bible study, and I wanted to share it with you guys. In this verse, it explains that because of his grandmothers and mother’s faithfulness to God, Timothy developed his own faith which he was to “fan into flame;” he was to grow that faith.

A lot of my blessings from God are because of my parents’ obedience and faithfulness to Christ. Because of the examples they gave me of what it is to live for God, that seed was planted in me, and it’s been growing ever since, and for that I am truly thankful. They passed onto me and my siblings their faith, and now it is our responsibility to pass it on to our future family also.

My parents taught me how to pray to my savior. They taught me how to love and forgive, even when I thought it was impossible. They showed me what a relationship centered around God should look like, and attributes I should seek in my future husband. I hadn’t realized these things growing up, and I still don’t always see them, but God has truly blessed me with amazing parents who love the Lord.

Some haven’t grown up in a Christian household like this, and that is where those who have walk as examples of Christ and let his love shine through them. We may not realize it, but if we are truly living a life for Christ, people will take notice.

If you haven’t grown up in a Christian home and have accepted Christ, you have the honor to be the start of the flame in your family. You are starting the tradition. The “baton” is now in your hands and you get to run the race, and pass it on to your family.

The thing about a little flame is that when it gets started and grows, it becomes harder and harder to control and stop. In this same way, fan your flame.

If you’re not paying attention and occupied with other things, it’s easy to miss the blessings God has placed in your lives. I have always loved my parents, but I tend to lose sight of how blessed I really am for them. They really have done an amazing job parenting us crazy kids, and I have to give them a lot of credit for where my faith in my savior is today. Their examples they’ve laid out for me and their faith was the greatest gift they could’ve ever given me, and for that I say thank you mom and dad.



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