The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Hey everyone!

Our dreams have come true! Our last week of school approaches. It’s like the happy ending to a fairy tail…or is it?

Fairy tails we hear and see today aren’t what they used to be. The princess didn’t always end up with the prince, there wasn’t always a cute animal sidekick, and there wasn’t always a happily ever after.

How could this be? Well, let me show you.


  1. Image result for cinderella gifs

The story written by Grimm is a lot more gory than the sweet version portrayed by Disney. The story itself is the same, but Disney took out some details, and here’s why. In the Grimm’s version, in an attempt to fit the slipper, which in this version was not glass, one of her step-sisters cut off her big toe, and the other was given a knife to cut off her heel. It paints a gruesome picture as it says that they were both running with blood. Birds also came and pecked their eyes out. In this version there is also no fairy godmother. Cinderella went to cry out to her mother who was buried under a tree. Then, it was a bird that dropped the dress and slippers down to Cinderella. Image result for grimm cinderella

2. The Little Mermaid

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In the Grimm’s version of this fairy tail, there’s not such a happy ending, and the princess doesn’t get the prince. In Disney, Ariel gets the prince to fall in love with her and kiss her, allowing her to speak and keep her legs. In the other version, she doesn’t get the prince to fall in love with her, so she throws herself into the sea and dies. The reason she didn’t want to be a mermaid in the first place was because apparently mermaids don’t get to go to heaven when they die, so she asked for legs, and every time she walked it was like walking on glass, to find a man to kiss her so she could have part of his soul so she could go to heaven…Image result for grimm's little mermaid

3. Sleeping Beauty

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In the Disney version of this fairy tail, sleeping beauty  falls into a deep sleep where she can only be awaken by true loves kiss. A prince finds her sleeping, blah blah blah, they live happily ever after. In the Grimm’s version, a king finds her sleeping, rapes her, and then she wakes up with twins. The king’s wife tries to make him eat the twins, but he throws her into the fire and marries the princess.Image result for grimm sleeping beauty

I understand now why Disney probably decided to change the stories a little bit. WOW! Imagine growing up with Grimm’s version of these timeless classics….


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