Hey everyone, I hope all of you are doing good! This week’s gone by so fast, and just think, two more weeks after this one and then summer break! I don’t know about you guys, but summer is all that’s on my mind now.

So, the other day in class I gave a presentation on medieval marginalia. If you’re ever bored and wanting to look at something strange and peculiar, go look at some of these illustrations drawn in the copied medieval manuscripts. You will not be disappointed…trust me.

Now, we all have seen a million memes out there for just about anything, and I mean anything! I saw this as I was searching for pictures of different medieval marginalia. Yikes! I would be lying if I told you they weren’t funny though.

So, I would like to share some of my findings with you guys, and I hope you guys get some laughs in before finals week gets here.

Image result for medieval marginalia memes


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Image result for medieval marginalia memes


Image result for medieval marginalia memes


Image result for medieval marginalia memes


Image result for medieval marginalia penis tree memes


Image result for medieval marginalia penis tree memes


I hope you all thought these were as funny as I did, either that or you now think I’m a complete weirdo with a strange sense of humor. Either way, I think it’s safe to say the internet is an odd place with odd things.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. These memes are clever!


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