Big Fish

Hey you guys,

Do you ever read something and it makes you think of something from the bible? This has happened to me in all of the epics we’ve read, and has yet again happened in The Odyssey as I was reading. It happened as I was reading book V when Poseidon sent a storm and shipwrecked Odysseus. I couldn’t help but draw a comparison to the story of Jonah and the whale. For those who aren’t familiar with this story, here’s the gist of it:

God called Jonah to go to the city of Nineveh, but he didn’t listen and tried to flee from the Lord. He got on a boat and headed in the opposite direction of the city. The Lord sent a violent storm that didn’t stop until Jonah was tossed off the ship and swallowed by a huge fish!

We have Odysseus, who was confronted by a wild storm from the god Poseidon because he didn’t want him leaving the island. God sent the storm because he wanted Jonah to go somewhere else. Both of these storms happened because they both were doing something that a god didn’t want them to be doing.

Sometimes storms come into our lives to turn us around because we aren’t doing what we’re supposed to. It takes a slap in the face and a few hard obstacles that make us realize we need to change what we’re doing. For some people the storms are like small little sprinkles, but for others it’s like a full on tsunami. Here’s a video of someone who came out of storm, and completely changed their lives.

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