Save the Day

Hi everyone. So, tomorrow is Monday. Hooray….! Do any of you wish that someone would just come and save you from Mondays or any other days? I’ll be the first to say that I would. Beowulf came to the rescue as the people of Heorot were being ruled by fear of the demon monster Grendel. There…


Hi everyone! I hope all of you are having a good weekend. I don’t know about you guys, but it was much needed.  I don’t know if it’s just me being raised in a Christian home and going to church, learning different bible stories growing up, but all the characters I’ve read about in the…


Hi all, I hope everyone is having a great weekend as spring is right around the corner. Yesterday in class, we began to discuss the epic Beowulf. Our class is reading out of the bilingual edition, so it has the epic in old English and then translated into English. Our professor, who’s already awesome, started…

Better Now

Hi everyone, The week is almost over! This will be my last blog of The Odyssey(Yay!), so I’ll try and make it a good one. In this epic, they use a lot of words to describe a woman, and not just any woman, but the woman, sorry for my bluntness, who like to have sex…

Big Fish

Hey you guys, Do you ever read something and it makes you think of something from the bible? This has happened to me in all of the epics we’ve read, and has yet again happened in The Odyssey as I was reading. It happened as I was reading book V when Poseidon sent a storm and shipwrecked…

True or False: Class Can Be A Blast

Hi everyone, I hope everyone is ready for Monday! Tomorrow will be my first day back from spring break, and I would be lying if I said I was excited to go back. Break started off great though! In my honors class, we’ve been reading epics such as The Odyssey; however, they haven’t been as epic as…